Long Term Vision

Long Term Vision

The Estates vision is to maintain and expand woodland cover as a diverse resource which positively contributes to the economy, landscape and biodiversity of the estate and local area.

The woodlands are a mix of commercial conifer, mainly Sitka spruce planted for future economic returns, a variety of other conifer species providing both species diversity and economic return as well as long term woodland cover and a large area of mainly native broadleaved woodland ranging from areas of natural reserve, through long term retentions that may be thinned as well as younger areas planted at commercial densities for future firewood and timber crops.

Where soils and aspect permit, the estate will introduce other conifer species to replanting mixes in the next 20 years to take account of predicted climate change (warmer temperatures) and in an attempt to mitigate losses from tree diseases e.g. Ramorum disease (Phytophthora Ramorum) in larch trees.

Ash dieback disease is devastating ash trees across the estate and these are being replaced wherever possible with other site native species.

In addition the estate has an advanced proposal to create a further 285 hectares of new commercial and native pine/ broadleaved woodland at North Logiealmond. This proposed scheme is currently in the final stages of the Forestry Grant Scheme application, with Scottish Forestry. Details can be found at https://www.scone-estates.co.uk/north-logiealmond-woodland-creation

Species Mix