The Estate Woodlands

The Estate Woodlands

The Estate has a long tradition of forestry management and tree planting dating back over 400 years and the LTFP revision will continue to build on this legacy and the process of woodland restructuring carried out to date.

Our woodlands comprise several different blocks located northwest and northeast of Perth on both sides of the River Tay. Location maps are shown below:

Extending to some 1,554 hectares, the woodlands are currently comprised of 54% conifers, 33% broadleaves and 13% open ground and are an integral part of the local landscape. They comprise a variety of woodland types from commercial plantations, broadleaved riparian woodlands along the Rivers Tay and Almond, to policy woodlands within an designed landscape. 385 hectares of the estates woodlands in the previously approved forest plan were sold between 2013 & 2017 as part of a wider estate rationalisation programme.

Over the lifetime of the current forest plan there has been approximately: