Proposed Management Prescriptions

Proposed Management Prescriptions

The Concept maps detail a number of proposed management prescriptions. Please refer to map keys under the heading Indicative Felling Management.

Red (Phase 1) and Orange (Phase 2) proposals will have clear felling permission once the LTFP is finalised and approved by Scottish Forestry. Phases 3 & 4 are indicative only at this time and will not be given felling permission as part of the LTFP.

The reason for this difference, is that whilst the LTFP is a 20 year management vision, approval is only given for felling and other management over the first 10 year period (2023-2032), in two 5 year phases.

We have summarised these below to assist understanding:

Working Circles

The estate woodlands have been zoned into broad working circles to reflect differing objectives and priorities for different woodlands.

Timber Production

Mostly commercial conifer species, these woodlands/ areas of woodland are managed to produce commercial timber and they contain a wider range of ages. The woodland areas are likely to be thinned throughout their life cycle and clear felled in well-designed felling coupes as they reach maturity. They will be replanted with commercial species.

The estate will seek to increase the area of commercial broadleaves during this plan period to support it’s expanding firewood enterprise and as a resource for future biomass heating systems.


Predominantly woodlands with native species e.g. Scots pine, birch, oak; which will be manage to maintain and enhance their landscape and ecological value, with a reduced expectation of timber income. In general there will be limited if any intervention, effectively providing significant areas of long term retention, natural reserve and valuable habitat for flora and fauna as well as woodland visitors.

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